if (!(1&&0))
printf("OK I am done.");
printf("OK I am gone.");
a. OK I am done
b. OK I am gone
c. compile error
d. none of the above
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int i=10; main() { extern int i; { int i=20; { const volatile unsigned i=30; printf("%d",i); } printf("%d",i); } printf("%d",i); }
main(int argc, char *argv[]) { (main && argc) ? main(argc-1, NULL) : return 0; } a. Runtime error. b. Compile error. Illegal syntax c. Gets into Infinite loop d. None of the above
main() { extern int i; i=20; printf("%d",i); }
Give a very good method to count the number of ones in a 32 bit number. (caution: looping through testing each bit is not a solution)
Write a procedure to implement highlight as a blinking operation
what is oop?
main() { show(); } void show() { printf("I'm the greatest"); }
main() { int i=10; void pascal f(int,int,int); f(i++,i++,i++); printf(" %d",i); } void pascal f(integer :i,integer:j,integer :k) { write(i,j,k); }
# include<stdio.h> aaa() { printf("hi"); } bbb(){ printf("hello"); } ccc(){ printf("bye"); } main() { int (*ptr[3])(); ptr[0]=aaa; ptr[1]=bbb; ptr[2]=ccc; ptr[2](); }
write a c program to Create a registration form application by taking the details like username, address, phone number, email along with password and confirm password (should be same as password).Ensure that the password is of 8 characters with only numbers and alphabets. Take such details for 5 users and display the details. In place of password display “****”. (Use Structures).
0 Answers CDAC, College School Exams Tests,
# include <stdio.h> int one_d[]={1,2,3}; main() { int *ptr; ptr=one_d; ptr+=3; printf("%d",*ptr); }
#include<stdio.h> main() { FILE *ptr; char i; ptr=fopen("zzz.c","r"); while((i=fgetch(ptr))!=EOF) printf("%c",i); }