Write a procedure to implement highlight as a blinking
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Answer / anurag(bhu mca)
The function textattr in conio.h can be use for this
purpose a small program has presented here...
int main()
cprintf("My name is anurag...");
return 0;
here in the textattr till 128 only colors would be set and
more than it colors with blink.
for more see turbo c++ help (ctrl+F1)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / sourav mitra(hit)
// To blink the word in c u have to use textattr()
int main()
int color;
cprintf("please wait");
return 0;
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
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main() { printf("\nab"); printf("\bsi"); printf("\rha"); }
main() { extern int i; i=20; printf("%d",i); }
void pascal f(int i,int j,int k) { printf(“%d %d %d”,i, j, k); } void cdecl f(int i,int j,int k) { printf(“%d %d %d”,i, j, k); } main() { int i=10; f(i++,i++,i++); printf(" %d\n",i); i=10; f(i++,i++,i++); printf(" %d",i); }