union u
union u
int i;
int j;
int b[10];
printf("\n%d", sizeof(u));
printf(" %d", sizeof(u.a));
// printf("%d", sizeof(u.a[4].i));
a. 4, 4, 4
b. 40, 4, 4
c. 1, 100, 1
d. 40 400 4
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main() { extern int i; i=20; printf("%d",sizeof(i)); }
main() { int i, j, *p; i = 25; j = 100; p = &i; // Address of i is assigned to pointer p printf("%f", i/(*p) ); // i is divided by pointer p } a. Runtime error. b. 1.00000 c. Compile error d. 0.00000
why array index always strats wuth zero?
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int a=4, b=2; a=b<<a+b>>2 ; printf("%d",a); return 0; }
main( ) { int a[2][3][2] = {{{2,4},{7,8},{3,4}},{{2,2},{2,3},{3,4}}}; printf(“%u %u %u %d \n”,a,*a,**a,***a); printf(“%u %u %u %d \n”,a+1,*a+1,**a+1,***a+1); }
what is brs test reply me email me kashifabbas514@gmail.com
int DIM(int array[]) { return sizeof(array)/sizeof(int ); } main() { int arr[10]; printf(“The dimension of the array is %d”, DIM(arr)); }
write a c-program to find gcd using recursive functions
hello sir,is there any function in C that can calculate number of digits in an int type variable,suppose:int a=123; 3 digits in a.what ll b answer?
main() { int i=5; printf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",i++,i--,++i,--i,i); }
Can you send Code for Run Length Encoding Of BMP Image in C Language in linux(i.e Compression and Decompression) ?
main() { int k=1; printf("%d==1 is ""%s",k,k==1?"TRUE":"FALSE"); }