hello sir,is there any function in C that can calculate number
of digits in an int type variable,suppose:int a=123;
3 digits in a.what ll b answer?

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hello sir,is there any function in C that can calculate number of digits in an int type variable,s..

Answer / muni

I am sorry the previous answer is for different question.

For your question the answer is ver simple.

use sprintf and strlen.

char str[10];
number of digits = strlen(str);

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 1 No

hello sir,is there any function in C that can calculate number of digits in an int type variable,s..

Answer / ramesh

int countDigits(number)
if (number==0)
return 0;
return 1 + countDigits(number%10);


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hello sir,is there any function in C that can calculate number of digits in an int type variable,s..

Answer / devendra

Answer #2 is right we can also use atoi() and itoa() function.

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hello sir,is there any function in C that can calculate number of digits in an int type variable,s..

Answer / arti sharma

void main()
{ int num,i,count=0;
printf("enter a no");
{ count=count+1;

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hello sir,is there any function in C that can calculate number of digits in an int type variable,s..

Answer / sreejesh1987

Small change to Ramesh's answer.
I got answer when i done like this.

int countDigits(number)
if (number==0)
return 0;
return 1 + countDigits(number/10);//change % to /


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hello sir,is there any function in C that can calculate number of digits in an int type variable,s..

Answer / muni

There is no function to calculate the number of bits. But
there is a very simple logic for calculating it.

int count = 0;

While( num!=0 )
num = num & (num-1);

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 9 No

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