What are the testing techniques? pls let me know in detail
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Answer / rathnapriya
Testing techniques is the apporach used for testing the
software.It can be divided in to static and dynamic testing.
static testing is done without executing the software by
conducting peer reviews, formal reviews and inspection.
Dynamic testing is done by executing the s/w to ensure the
functionality is working fine and it meets the expectations
of customers.
Dynamic testing further divided into three types
1.black box or specification based or functionality based
or behavioral testing
under black box testing we have
a.Boundary value analysis
b.equivalence partioning
c.decison table testing
d.state transtion testing
e.use case testing
2.White box testing or structual based or glass box testing
a.statement coverage
b.condition coverage
c.decision coverage
3.Experience based testing
a.exploratory testing
b.error guesing
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Answer / shyam.meghansh
All Techniques which are included in Black box
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