what is x'mer ,isolation x'mer & yltra-isolation x'mer?????
what is broken conductor indication
what is per unit calculation?looking for simple and strong explanation thk u
How to back charge the Gas turbine generator
If a capacitor bank is having rating 750kvar for 6.6kv. Then for 3.3kv how much will be the rating of capacitor bank.
v/f drive basic princeple
What is the male and female contactors.where is it's used and what is the deferent betweens
if a number of plc s are there then how many modbus to be used
0 Answers Novel Tech Park, Power Grid,
without any theoretical calculations, can u approximately tell the current rating of a motor(above 30hp)working at 415VAC.
If the circuit breaker will not close or it will trip, what will you do?
What is the difference between phase current & line current, how both can be measured in star and delta system
What are the classifications of heating element?