how choose conductor&depending upon load
can any one suggest me the tilt angle of my solar pannel ?? or tell me how can i know the fix tilt angle of my solar pannel?? my cordinates are 31.503629,72.993164.
why sielent pole is used only in hydro generators and not in turbo generators
what will happen if neutal in AC ckt will get open
Dear Sir, we met a disaster with our 62.5 kva genset, after rewinding we informed by our contract engg that due to return current coming in neutral & impropper earthing this happend. But after all set up & load balance we checked & found again we have about 20 to 32 amp return current on neutral. we have 12 airconditioner + 12 mini fridge on single phase line. Pl suggest any idea to solved this problem
How to calculate Number of Earthing Pits....???
What is an Antipumping relay ?
what is the earth resistance ?
How do we find the rating of a transformer, if it got burnt badly.
why transformer ratings in kva? & DG ratings in kva? & Motor ratings in kw/HP?
what is synchronous speed.? if an induction motor is made to run at full load, then is this synch. speed too..?
Why the earth cable have current 1A - 2A , it is safety for Electrical system or earth cable should be zero amps ? how to troubleshoot?
One 200 V, 100 W bulb is connected in series with primary of a 200 V, 10 kVA transformer. If its secondary is kept open circuited, then the bulb would have (1) Full brightness (2) Poor brightness (3) A little less than full brightness (4) More than full brightness...explain