I have to automate webpage. If I click one hyperlink2 it
will take 2 hrs to open. How to automate hyperlink2?
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Answer / kumar
If we use Wait statement it has to wait 2 hrs.
We can put synchronization point here using QTP.
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if it is taking that much time...i suggest you not automate
that. if you still wants to automate u can use wait
statement to wait for that much time.
else use loop to wait until that page exist.
for example:
i = 0
do while i <=10
If Browser("XXX").Page("XXXX").Exist Then
Exit Do
Wait 40
End If
i = i+1
If any queries mail me at :
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Answer / bharat
Hi Nanda,
U r using loop to solve this sync prob.But i don't think
this will solve this prob as loop will not take so much time
to complete.
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Answer / ravi singh
First not to automate but if necessary, use Browser(" ").sync after the line where hyperlink2 is clicked.
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