Do you support automated testing? Why?
How to "Turn Off" QTP results after running a Script?
How does qtp identify objects in the application?
what's the difference in between function and sub and give some code as well
How to handle the exceptions using recovery secnario manager in Qtp?
write a script to verify links on any web page by using descriptive method by creating a description object (give a filter condition only link) ... need to verify expected like name by reading can we report the QTP test result in a different excel sheet 2.
What r the features of QTP9.2,other than QTP8.0 What r the extre features of QTP9.2.
How to retrieve the object properties at runtime without the usage of GetROProperty?
How do you return a value for an array.
How can the name of a checkpoint be changed in Qtp
hi.what is exactly mean by real time frame work? every institute teach Framework is nothing but having 6 to 7 folders..and save repositories functions keywords and scripts? this is enough or not? can we beleive?
Where we write the FUNCTIONS, in Expert view (or) in any textfiles like Notepad and save it in Library functions folder? How to cal that functions to our script? How to save that functions to Function generator?