what is gridrotor resistance starter
What are the components of a substation?
What meant by XLPE cable
use of PIR in ehv breaker
difference between elcb and rccb
why firewall is build up between two transformer (220/11kv,50MVA)?what should be the firewall height?what is the clearance between firewall and transformer?
2 Answers Siemens, Tous Stadt,
Why DG self motor winding burnt out?
difference between diode and scr?
Who are the manufactures those manufacturing 3Cx2.5sqmm FRLS cables. I heard about FRLS technology adopted only in wires useful for wirings
how we can convert 3 phase to single phase without using any transformer
State ohm’s law?
what types of fault occurred in transmission line ? which protection function senses the fault?
i need project topics along with circuit diagram in the electrical and electronics engg and also some websites regarding projets.