what is the importance of test data while testing the
application? and how hard it is to set up the test data?

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what is the importance of test data while testing the application? and how hard it is to set up the..

Answer / jithendra

The test data plays a vital role while executing the test
case. Always it is suggested to take the previous customer
data as the test data for the new customer or the test data
of the present customer.

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what is the importance of test data while testing the application? and how hard it is to set up the..

Answer / sridhar


Suppose when we are testing the website for the first time -
we enter values that are some what junk when testing
negatively on the site. This type of data is called junk data.

This is permissible in the local server we are testing, but
once the hosting is done on staging server the junk data
should not be found.

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