tell about jam round? and how to tell?

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tell about jam round? and how to tell?..

Answer / harish

Jam round is Basically Depends upon the way you present the
topic and wat are the main points in the topic and wat are
the your views on the topic

Is This Answer Correct ?    134 Yes 15 No

tell about jam round? and how to tell?..

Answer / alex

jam round is something where u have to be precise n exactly
on the topic...n its all depends how u prove and present
yourself thats all

Is This Answer Correct ?    62 Yes 20 No

tell about jam round? and how to tell?..

Answer / sahithi

jam round is just to check out ur communication skills. its
just to check how spontaneous you are. and they even look
for the key points... new words, so try using new words.

Is This Answer Correct ?    45 Yes 3 No

tell about jam round? and how to tell?..

Answer / fatima

It is basically to check our spontanily in the flow of
speech. Its about how apt we are towards the topic and the
key points in the topic. Do not try to use words which are
difficult to understand. The language should be clear and
the sentences used be simple, sensible, and appropriate.

Is This Answer Correct ?    35 Yes 0 No

tell about jam round? and how to tell?..

Answer / lucky

They will give us a minute time.wat we have to do is to
express our views on the topic n shuld nt oppose it..shld
speak abt that topc supportively..they will jus see our
communication shills,we shld nt stop in the midle coz
fluency is the most important thing..avoid using new
synonms..your language shld be clear..

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 2 No

tell about jam round? and how to tell?..

Answer / r.swarnarekha

Jam round is the round which introduce newly,in that we have
to give up our views on the topic given and the topics are
mostly the current raising topics only but not the
controversy topics.The interviewer mainly focus on the
communication skills, confidence levels and how fluently we
can speak with out any breaks in the middle and we have to
talk for a minute about the topic both pros and cons.

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 1 No

tell about jam round? and how to tell?..

Answer / som

Generally it a just a minute round.... where the recruiter/HR will give you a topic on which we have to talk about its positive and negative points not more then a minute.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 0 No

tell about jam round? and how to tell?..

Answer / ch.rekha priyanka

JAM is the way that how u r representing the topic,and also how confidently u r going to explain ur views of the topic in a brief way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 3 No

tell about jam round? and how to tell?..

Answer / rek

it s just a minute round...they wil a topic, and u hav to talk for the topic for a minute & against the topic for a minute

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 8 No

tell about jam round? and how to tell?..

Answer / chaithanya

jam is all about testing our communication skills and how fluent we are?it is to test how spotanous we are.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

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