What is Alpha and beta testing and What is the diffrence
between Alpha and beta testing ?
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Answer / renu
Alpha testing is the testing conducted at devlopers site
where as bets testing is the testing conducted at customers
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Answer / anjani d
Alpha testing is the testing conducted at developers site
where as bets testing is the testing conducted at
customers/Clint site.
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Alpha testing and beta testing are done under UAT technique.
Alpha testing:-If the build is tested successfully with all
system testing technique and security testing they will
deploy that build in one the server located at developers
site. Once deployed in developers site ( company developed)
they start doing final round of testing to check that the
application is meeting the requirements and user
needs(Business) . SO testing done at developers environment
is called ALpha Testing.
Beta Testing:- Once the above ALpha testing is done they
will deploy this build in clients location on clients
machine which we call it as main production machine. Once
deployed there testing done with all business techniques.
Here in Beta testing all business related or few user come
and test the application and check whether they can complete
there own business. One the users satisfy then only it will
be lanched in market.
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Answer / nitin gupta
Alpha Testing :
ALpha testing is a testing which is done at developer site done both either customer or developer
but if customer test the application which is does under the monitoring of developer or developer team .
Beta Testing:
Beta Testing is Testing which is done at customer site if the error has occur during testing customer has noted them tells to developer.
let we take a example this would be you understand much Easier when google has launched google+ application in india fristly they launched his beta(version) because of only has know their has 2 reason fristly people has aware a functionality of application and second if their is any skipness or any functionality not works according his what they want(user friendly) they send him related notification.
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