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Is there any other tool like QC which we can get as open source. the software should be able to write test cases, store documentation, dashboard and bug report. If anyone can suggest me it would be helpful.


2 QA Concepts 4593

Answers / { sameer }

Question { Trigent, 44376 }

what is unit testing? It comes under white box or Black Box


Unit Testing is purely a white box testing technique. Here
in unit testing we test the functionality of the small peace
of code developed by the developers.

Each and every developers check there code (Unit
testing) to confirm themselves that they work done is
working fine.
In unit testing we check for code coverage testing which
further consists of loop coverage, statement coverage, path
coverage, there functionality and mutation testing. is there
any unwanted or repeatable variable assigned or not.

for each unit test the developers test the exact
functionality and is not realted to any black box technique.

it is purely a white box testing.

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 5 No

Question { Garware, 127858 }

What are different types of Risks?


Types of Risks are mainly classified into two
1. Product Risk and
2. Project Risk

And for both the Risks the following things are considered

1. Business or Operational
a.High use of a subsystem, function or feature
b.Criticality of a subsystem, function or feature,
including unacceptability of failure
2. Technical
a.Geographic distribution of development team
b. Complexity of a subsystem or function
3. External
a.Sponsor or executive preference
b. Regulatory requirements

External Risk involves liquidity risk, and some risks cannot
be predicted it happens suddenly at that time itself.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 9 No

Question { Vyons Labs, 17015 }

In an Text Box Expected Value is 'icici' where as actual
value came up is 'icci'. Now in the Bug Report How will u
rate the severity and Priority?


Such kind of bugs are called Spell Check. It might be a
small to fix but from user or client point of view it is a
low severity and high priority, as it is not going to effect
to other it is low severity but from client or end user
point of view it is must fix bug so it is priority and to be
done immediately. that is the reason now a days they give
much important to usability these days. (competitive world..

(Spell check should be tested very carefully because small
small mistakes can loose hope to the development company and
may loose projects in some cases too.
SO all QA related people do caution related to Spell Check.
Sory if I have given extra lecture.)

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 0 No

Question { CTS, 113119 }

what are different types of test cases?.


I have read all the above types of test cases and here is my
answer according to my knowledge

1. integration test case
2.Functional Test case
3.Non-Functional Test cases( which include security,
performance and usability)
4.User Acceptance Test cases( end to end scenario).

Validation test case:- Here all the above stated techniques
of test cases fall under validation test cases itself, there
is no seperate test case for validation, when we execute all
the above test cases we can conclude we have done the entire
validation too.

Verificatin test cases:- after writing the entire test cases
there will be some dedicated people who review these test
cases to check whether these test cases written according to
the requirements or not, in such a case it is called
verification test case and when we are executing those test
cases it is called validation test cases.

In a simple way expected results are verification and
actual results are validation.

Integration test case:- here we execute test cases which
just tells about the connectivity from one module to other
module and integrating one application to other application
and how the application moves from parent node to child node
and vice versa.

Functional Test case:- Here we execute test cases which
tells about the functionality of the application and talks
about the desired output to be seen. internally we have
different type of test cases when we write here like range,
output values , BVA, ECP and so on. We give input and expect
some output according to the SRS.Here we check individual
module completely by checking each and every tab , text box,
buttons and so on.

Non-Functional Test case:- Test cases related to User
friendliness like font, image, color, how easy to navigate
etc, performance related, security related comes under here.

User Acceptance test case:- These test cases are cruical and
very important to client side people, because these test
case talks about there business and approach of the
application to complete a particular client task. which is
also called as End-End- Business scenario test case. Here we
won;t be doing testing related to UI, Functional or
Non-Functional, we talk about business and scenario which
the application is made for.

This might give you a small ideas for your question. If you
feel this is right do respond to me and if you feel a change
in it also do respond to me stating your contradiction to
it.. which will be helpful to me also.

Is This Answer Correct ?    108 Yes 12 No

Question { 6670 }

Could any one explains what is Significans of V MOdel? Why
not it is called as W model or some other X model? Is there
any specifi Answer for this Qustion.


All the above answers are right let me give with the follow

Verification Validation

\ /
SRS-------------------System Testing
\ /
HLD-------------System Integration testing
\ /
LLD----------Integration Testing
\ /
Coding-----Unit Testing
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /

Each and Every level will have its own testing phase.
The shape iteslf looks like V model and its called as
Verification and Validation model. It starts from BRS and
ends at UAT( the way we writ the word V)

Verification--under verification all kinds of reviews take
place. It's Static Testing
validation--under validation all type of testing techniques
take place. It's Dynamic testing.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { Tanla Solutions, 12399 }

What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing?
and when we perform smoke testing and when we perform
sanity testing?


There is not much difference between smoke and sanity testing.

The functionality testing we do for both is the same. The
type of testing we do is same but the only difference is the
team who does it.

Smoke testing: it is also called as Build Verification Test.
The developer's team after finishing there coding part they
go through the entire application which they complete (
which we call is a build) to check whether it is working
properly according to there requirement. Here each and every
developers check there own functionality and once they feel
it is good then they give a statement to tester team that
build is ready to test.

Sanity Testing:- It is also called as Tester verification
Test.Now to accept the build which developers are given
tester too check for the minimal functionality working
conditions. They check the minimal functioanlity and check
whether it is suitable for the testing team to conduct
testing or not.

In one way tester check whether the build is in
testable condition or not.

THe way the functionalit testing goes is exactly the same in
both smoke and sanity testing. the only different is
developers conduct they test called as smoke testing before
they hand over the build to testers and testers check the
functionality of the build to check whether it is suitable
to accept for further major testing before accepting the
build of testing.

I hope this might help you.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { 9933 }

Can any one explain me what is difference between Test
Methodology and Testing Techniques?


Methodology is the process we follow
and Technique is the procedure.

Let me explain briefly

Testing are of two types
1. Static Testing
2. Dynamic Testing

Methodology are
1. Unit Testing
2. Integration Testing
3. System Testing
4. User Acceptance Testing.


1. Unit Testing-------------a. Code coverage
b. unit/code functional testing
c. Code COmplexity
for code coverage we have techniques like statement
coverage, path coverage, loop coverage.

2. Integration Testing-------a. Top Down approach
b. bottom up approach
c. sandwich approach
for all these approach we need some small
program which we call it as stub and drivers.

3. System Testing -------a. FUnctional testing
b. Non-Functional Testing

Functional Testing-------a. Error Handling Testing
b.Guess Testing
c. Input Domain testing(BVA & ECP)
d. Compactability testing
e. State transition testing
f. parallel testing
g. inter operatability testing
h. configuration testing

4. User Acceptance testing---a. Beta testing
b. alpha testing
c. Business scenario (BRS)

if i am wrong please do correct.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

Question { Wipro, 11544 }

there are n types of test cases how do you do?


you will be writing test cases like
1. integration test case
2.Functional Test case
3.Non-Functional Test cases( which include security,
performance and usability)
4.User Acceptance Test cases( end to end scenario).
Validation test case:- Here all the above stated techniques
of test cases fall under validation test cases itself, there
is no seperate test case for validation, when we execute all
the above test cases we can conclude we have done the entire
validation too.
Verificatin test cases:- after writing the entire test cases
there will be some dedicated people who review these test
cases to check whether these test cases written according to
the requirements or not, in such a case it is called
verification test case and when we are executing those test
cases it is called validation test cases.
In a simple way expected results are verification and
actual results are validation.

Integration test case:- here we execute test cases which
just tells about the connectivity from one module to other
module and integrating one application to other application
and how the application moves from parent node to child node
and vice verse.
Functional Test case:- Here we execute test cases which
tells about the functionality of the application and talks
about the desired output to be seen. internally we have
different type of test cases when we write here like range,
output values , BVA, ECP and so on. We give input and expect
some output according to the SRS. Here we check individual
module completely by checking each and every tab , text box,
buttons and so on.

Non-Functional Test case:- Test cases related to User
friendliness like font, image, color, how easy to navigate
etc, performance related, security related comes under here.

User Acceptance test case:- These test cases are crucial and
very important to client side people, because these test
case talks about there business and approach of the
application to complete a particular client task. which is
also called as End-End- Business scenario test case. Here we
won;t be doing testing related to UI, Functional or
Non-Functional, we talk about business and scenario which
the application is made for.

This might give you a small ideas for your question. If you
feel this is right do respond to me and if you feel a change
in it also do respond to me stating your contradiction to
it.. which will be helpful to me also.
Hey this might help you.
when you want to do regression testing if you execute all
the above test cases related to it then it is sufficient .
No need to write further or separate test case.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 11212 }

Smoke testing is also called sanity testing? Why?


I do agree with the above statement where nishi explained
but one this is wrong according statement.

Smoke testing is done first then comes the sanity testing.

Smoke teting is done by developers to check the basic code
part and there functionality is working fine or not before
giving the build to developers.

When it comes to testers they will do a sample round of
testing where we will be checking the basic functionality of
testing and give a clearance that this application meets the
minimum functionality to carry forward for other functional

rest of other things which nishi explained is right.

Always Smoke testing comes first then sanity testing.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { Oracle, 12347 }

What are the methods you followed, while doing black box


Under Black Box Testing only we will be doing complete
functionality testing.

System testing, User acceptance testing all comes under
black box testing itself.

then all functional and non-functinal testing too comes
under this
1. Error Guessing
2. Error Handling
3. Input / Output domain testing ---ECP and BVA
4. Parallel testing
5. COnfiguration testing
6. interoperability testing.
7. compactability testing

Non-Functional testing

1. performance --stress, volume and load
2. UI testing

UAT: alpha, beta testing

ALl testing technique of functional comes under this group.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Question { 5667 }

What are all the things ur going to keep in mind while
System testing?


Whenever some is ready to test the System testing then they
have to think two thinks in mind very carefully.
1. Functional Testing
2. Non-Functional Testing.

Non-Functional Testing:- is it a user friendly, security
provided,performance related, volume justified ( with there
relavant techniques tested well).

Functional Testing:- whether the application works according
to the SRS and BRS. It is a compactable, is it a
interoperatabilty.( with all functional techniques well
tested like BVA, ECP, Error handling, Guess testing and all,
overall the application should work accordingl to clients

the both things should be kep in mind for sure.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Question { AppLabs, 18790 }

what is risks of testing a project?


Testing is the means used in software development to reduce
risks associated with a system.Risk-based testing (RBT) is a
type of software testing that prioritizes the features and
functions to be tested based on priority/importance and
likelihood or impact of failure

Some of the most common risks are
1. Business or Operational
a. High use of a subsystem, function or feature
b. Criticality of a subsystem, function or feature

2. including unacceptability of failure
b. Geographic distribution of development team
c. Complexity of a subsystem or function

3. External
a. Sponsor or executive preference
b. Regulatory requirements
c. Exploratory & Risk Based Testing (2004)

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 3 No

Question { Satyam, 10321 }

What is the difference between test case result and a bug?


Test case result is called as deviation. Deviation from
expected result to actual result.
When we come across such things ( deviation) we write it
in bug report and call it as bug and then they raise a bug
and inform to developers about the bug or deviation.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

Question { 8967 }

what is the combination of grey box testing


Yes Grey box is nothing but combination of white box and
black box technique.

When we are using a technique that uses code along with
functional testing is called Grey box.

The methodology that comes under grey box testing is
Integration testing.

for integration testing we need top down approach and
bottom up approach for example if we like to test each and
individual module we need to go from parent node to child
node. here if the middle node is not working the developers
write some small peace of code that connects the application
from upper parent node to lower child node. Here if we take
this as scenario we are testing the application ( functional
testing ) and at the same time we are testing the small
peace of code written by developer( white box testing).

SO for this approach we are doing both black box and white
box testing which is nothing but grey box testing.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { SAP Labs, 7417 }

how test cases are written in test direcror directly or u
fetch from xls


Yes we can write test cases directly to QC or test director
, go to test plan and first write in the summary, test cases
name, priority set and then move to 2nd pane or tab where we
can see excel sheet format . Here do write the test cases.

Other way is to import test cases from excel sheet to test
director or QC. For this we need to form connection from
excel sheet to test director or QC via a plug -in connection.
Now go to testdirector and press import where we need to map
which column in excel sheet would be matching to which
column in test director excel sheet, so that only those
column will be moved.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 0 No

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