What is BUCKBOOST TRANSFORMER and Operation of Buckboost
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Answer / madhumitha
Buck-Boost transformers are small, single phase, dry type
distribution transformers designed and shipped as
insulating/isolating transformers. They have a dual voltage
primary and a dual voltage secondary. These transformers
can be connected for a wide range of voltage combinations.
The most common use is to buck (lower) or boost (raise) the
supply voltage a small amount, usually 5 to 27%. Buck-Boost
transformers are in compliance with NEC Article 210-9,
Exception 1 when field connected as an autotransformer.
The major advantages of Buck-boost transformers are their
low cost, compact size and light weight. They are also more
efficient and cost less than equivalent isolation
transformers. When connected as an autotransformer, they
can handle loads up to 20 times the nameplate rating. A
buck-boost transformer is the ideal solution for changing
line voltage by small amounts.
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Answer / santosh jagale birla cellulosi
Mr. Vasuram,
I heard first time that transformer works on DC suppy. Is
such transformers avilable in market.
Basically buckboost transformer itself disent step up the
volatage it requires a regulator wchich varries the tap
position and gives the desired O/P.
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Answer / h nayak
Buckboost transformer nothing but auto transformer
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Answer / vasuram
its a dc to dc converter..it can act as buck converter i.e
high i/p voltage to low o/p voltage converter if duty ratio
is higher 0.5 ( or lesser than 0.5 am not sure )
and it can act as boost converter i.e low i/p voltage to
high o/p voltage if duty ratio is vice versa.
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