1. what is import wizard and its purpose ?

2. what is publishing wizard and its purpose ?

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1. what is import wizard and its purpose ? 2. what is publishing wizard and its purpose ?..

Answer / shashank pathak

Import wizard is a tool that helps in migrating the reports
from older version of BO to a newer one. Generally, BO 6.5
reports are migrated to DeskI or BO XI R2. Though migration
of reports could be done manually.

Publishing wizard is used to publish or export a report
into desired repository.

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1. what is import wizard and its purpose ? 2. what is publishing wizard and its purpose ?..

Answer / sri

Import wizard has many uses
For coverting older version reports to new version
For creating the BIAR file
For sending or exporting the reports with in the
organization by using the cms name,user,pass word

Publishing wizard is used to publish or exprot the agnostic
documents like pdf,ppts to the infoview.

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1. what is import wizard and its purpose ? 2. what is publishing wizard and its purpose ?..

Answer / sreenivas


Import wizard used to move one environment another
environment i.e development to production

suppose u have develop universe, report then u have compress
these BIAR file after the BIAR file sent production users
then can convert to BIAR to actual files (universe, reports)
so that we can also use import wizard method.

2. Publishing wizard we can export locally reports to public
folders in CMC.

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1. what is import wizard and its purpose ? 2. what is publishing wizard and its purpose ?..

Answer / ramesh reddy veerabhadra

2. The Publishing Wizard enables both administrators and end users to create and publish reports to BusinessObjects Enterprise. By assigning object rights to individual folders on a given server, you control who can publish reports and where they are published.

Use the Publishing Wizard if you have access to the application and you want to add multiple objects or an entire directory of objects to BusinessObjects Enterprise. Once an object is added, it appears in the folder that you specified in SAP BO - InfoView (or your customized web desktop) and in the Folders management area of the CMC.

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