Would it be a good idea to create an index on a table that
always contains 10 records? Why or why not?

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Would it be a good idea to create an index on a table that always contains 10 records? Why or why ..

Answer / bharathi

No it is not a good idea. Indexes are very expensive to
maintain. Indexes are created mainly to improve performace.
If there are only 10 rows in a table, creating index would
not make any difference in the performace.

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Would it be a good idea to create an index on a table that always contains 10 records? Why or why ..

Answer / laxman

Not a good idea.

Indexes are used for improve select query performance.
indexes will be useful when the data is more and more.

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Would it be a good idea to create an index on a table that always contains 10 records? Why or why ..

Answer / subhash

No it's not a good idea.

Table scan would be fine for smaller tables with less records. Moreover indexes need disk space. It's not necessary to create an index and waste the disk space.

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