Does sql server use t sql?
What are the difference between primary keys and foreign keys?
What is difference between createstatement and preparedstatement?
What is the difference between sdf and mdf?
1.What is the deferece between DBMS & RDBMS? 2.How can you trouble shoot? If u will get error while installing sql server? 3.How can u trouble shoot slow running query? can u trouble log shipping errors? 5.why do we use merge replication instead of T.log replication?
What is a cube? : sql server analysis services, ssas
What is acid db?
what are the main differences between ms access and sqlserver
what do you understand by change data capture?
How to create dbo table in sql server?
What is db stored procedure?
What are the recovery models in sql server 2000?
Do you know what is recursion? Is it possible for a stored procedure to call itself or recursive stored procedure? How many levels of sp nesting is possible?