What is index in an assignment?
How to check what was the last restore transaction LSN in Log shipping or Mirroring? when we don't have a Monitor or witness server.
Write a SQL query in order to merge two different columns into single column?
Can an entity have two primary keys?
Is the primary key column of a table an index in ms sql server?
How to add an address record into adventureworkslt?
How to set the current database in ms sql server?
How to defragment table indexes?
Mention the different authentication modes in sql server.
you have couple of stored procedures that depend on a table you dropped the table and recreated it what do you have to do to reestablish those stored procedure dependencies?
What is SubQuery in SQL Server 2008
What is the difference between a Local temporary table and a Global temporary table? How is each one used?
If we use where clause in the left outer join then how the query would behave/act?