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Questions / { laxman }
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How can your resolve deadlocks?

IBM, IMS, Iron Mountain, NuWare,

4 SQL Server 14419

1.What is the deferece between DBMS & RDBMS? 2.How can you trouble shoot? If u will get error while installing sql server? 3.How can u trouble shoot slow running query? can u trouble log shipping errors? 5.why do we use merge replication instead of T.log replication?


7 SQL Server 11468

What is the difference between temp table and table variable?


8 SQL Server 25591

what are three different authentications to connect linked servers?


1 SQL Server 4974

any one can explain Self mapping Delegation Remote Credentials

1 SQL Server 4877

Answers / { laxman }

Question { 7989 }

How to Get the last identity value used


select @@identity

@@identity is global variable

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { 4388 }

How to Generate a Series of Random Integers With T-SQL?


using rand()

select rant()

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

Question { 7760 }

How m-m relationships are implemented?


using junction table

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Question { 7703 }

How will oyu test the stored procedure taking two parameters
namely first name and last name returning full name?



Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 3 No

Question { 8414 }

How do you find the error, how can you know the number of
rows effected by last SQL statement?


select @er=@@error,@rc=@@rowcount

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Question { 22741 }

How can you get @@error and @@rowcount at the same time?


if we use above statements then @@error will be reset with
i think right one is

select @er=@@error,@rc=@@rowcount

Is This Answer Correct ?    31 Yes 1 No

Question { 5077 }

We create an index to fast the search. How it fast the
query? Do we write any special keyword with query?


we need to use indexed column in where clause

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { Perot Systems, 16593 }

1. What are the grouping function in SQL ?

2. If base table of a view deleted means, what will happen
while we querying on view ? will give any error ?

3. Difference between DROP, DELETE, TRUNCATE table ?

4. What is constraints and types ?

5. What is max size of nchar & nvarchar ?


7. How non-clustered better ? or rank the Clustered,
Non-Clustered and Table scan in performance wise

8. Select 10 rows from a table ?

9. Define DML, DDL, DCL, DTL commands ?

10. What is mean by NULL value ? NULL means "" or 0 or
undefined ?

11. Default constraints ?

12. Can we have more then primary Key in table ?

13. Type of integrity ? Entity, Referential, Domain ?


What are the grouping function in SQL ?

Grouping functions are:

Select 10 rows from a table ?
select * from table_name where count(*) <=10

select top 10 from table _name

10. What is mean by NULL value ? NULL means "" or 0 or
undefined ?

Null is not equal to "" or 0. it is un identified value

12. Can we have more then primary Key in table ?
no, we can't.

2. If base table of a view deleted means, what will happen
while we querying on view ? will give any error ?

i dont know exactly. but it likely base table doesnt exists.

4. What is constraints and types ?
primary key
foreign key
not null

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

Question { CTS, 28450 }

What is the difference between login and a user?


Login is to connect sql server & user is connect individual
db in server.
every db user will maped with login.

Is This Answer Correct ?    30 Yes 1 No

Question { 3399 }

can you any body tell me simple recovery,full recovery,bulk
logged recovery where can use?


full - every transaction will be recorded in t-log
bulklog - bulk transactions like select into will not be
recorded in t-log
simple - no logs will be recoreded.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Question { 4902 }

Would it be a good idea to create an index on a table that
always contains 10 records? Why or why not?


Not a good idea.

Indexes are used for improve select query performance.
indexes will be useful when the data is more and more.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

Question { 7736 }

What are the two virtual tables SQL Server maintains for


OLD and NEW tables for oracle.

For sql server inserted & deleted.

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 0 No

Question { 3749 }

How are SQL Server databases physically stored under
Windows 2000?


stored as mdf & ldf files

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { 4110 }

How do you find the error, how can you know the number of
rows effected by last SQL statement?


select @@error
select @@rowcount

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 0 No

Question { 3581 }

Name three version of sql server 2000 and also their


It may be editions.

Standard,Develpor & Enterprize

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No