what is embdeed system or device?
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Answer / vivek
Embedded system is a microprocessor based system ussed for
a specific jobs only. for example in Washing Machines and
Microwave ovens.
Lookong deep they have devices like RAM,Timer Counters,
Serial DATA Transmission, etc in-built which are however
externally attached in the pc's as peripheral IC's
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Answer / abhay sunder
embedded consists of both hardware and software...
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Answer / tejas mehta
Embedded systems control many of the common devices in use
today.embedded as part of a complete device including
hardware and mechanical parts.Some embedded systems are
mass-produced, benefiting from economies of scale
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Answer / ashok
In a system,a device is incorporate into that system then it
process and controls the system is called EMBEDDED.
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Answer / ritesh kumar suman
the device developed with the help of microcontrlor is
known as embeded system.the processor used in this system
is 8085 or 8086.we write a program of microcntrolr
according to need,and store this program in this
microcontrolar.eg Washing Machines,trafic control signal.
programing of these two r different.etc..........
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Answer / hiralal
Embedded systems is that they are devices used to control,
monitor or assist the operation of equipment, machinery or
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Answer / bala
embdeed is a combination of hadware and software or other
wise embedding a soft ware in a hardware
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Answer / sacchidanand teke
An embedded system is a computer system.embedded system
is a part of a complete device often including hardware and
mechanical parts.
Modern embedded systems are often based on
microcontrollers and Embedded systems are not always
standalone devices.Many embedded systems consist of small,
computerized parts within a larger device that serves a
more general purpose.
The Example is that digital watches and MP3 players,
stationary installations like traffic lights, factory
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2 Answers Galaxy Bank of Hr, HCL,
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