how should we start our self introduction.what is the sequence should we after our name then what we have to say.
41 547801Design a circuit for A + abs(B) = C, where A and B are 4 bits wide and 2?s complement representation
1 8291There are 2 Flip_Flop with logic between them. Given Clock to Q delay, logic prop. delay, set up and hold times specify maximum clock frequency of system. What happens if second output fed back to first input. Any changes? What happens with timing if second output is fed back to logic between the flops? Good Luck!
1 7239Write an implementation of “float stringToFloat(char *str).” The code should be simple, and not require more than the basic operators (if, for, math operators, etc.). • Assumptions • Don’t worry about overflow or underflow • Stop at the 1st invalid character and return the number you have converted till then, if the 1st character is invalid return 0 • Don’t worry about exponential (e.g. 1e10), instead you should treat ‘e’ as an invalid character • Write it like real code, e.g. do error checking • Go though the string only once • Examples • “1.23” should return 1.23 • “1a” should return 1 • “a”should return 0
6 9677What is the difference b/n any GPOS and RTOS?Give suitable examples or characteristic of RTOS to support your answer. What changes can be done in a GPOS to make it work like a RTOS? What basic features will you support, if you have to design a RTOS?
8 29218Given n nodes. Find the number of different structural binary trees that can be formed using the nodes.
16 367951.find the second maximum in an array? do you create hash table in c? 3.what is hash collision
9 155731.write a program to merge the arrays 2.write efficient code for extracting unique elements from a sorted list of array?
3 10332Post New Qualcomm Interview Questions
What is user-defined inline table-valued function?
What is the system? Assert method and when is it commonly used?
How do you create a worksheet?
What are css properties?
Implement a sorting algorithm for a numerical dataset in Python.
Explain drawbacks of joomla.
What is shuffle read and shuffle write in spark?
What is citrix automation in uipath? Do you have any experience in virtual machine automation?
How Can assign alias name for ASP.NET Web API Action?
What is the extension of xslt file?
Tell me about a time you were able to successfully deal with another person even when that individual may not have personally liked you
How do you enter data in real-time infocubes?
What is anode?
To diagnose workflow errors, which transaction do you use?
What is a class component?