what is the effect of duration of earth quake on framed
structures ?
what is tie-beam?where it used?
12 Answers HCC, Titan America,
Isolated square footing quantity calculations
What is costing in 100squre feet bricks
How much steel required in one cubic meter RCC Main girder
what is the minimum % of steel use in columns ?
Difference between Ghol , Chimney & fly ash bricks b)Floor to floor height is 3m , rise=15cm , tread 20 cm , how to design staircase means steps landing
Column is a compression member, concrete is strong in compression..then what is the reason to the column reinforcement..?
Which is beneficial for shuttering a Plywood os accrow plate & why ?
What is the proportioning by weight of 1:2:3 concrete mix design of cement, sand, gravel, and water in metric for a 3000 PSI concrete strength and a target slump of 75-100mm?
How to calculate cement, aggregates for any one grade of concrete for icum?
1 Answers Megha Constructions, MEIL, Student,
How are freeway bridges built?
a) we have 30nos., 300mm dia, 4m length double under reamed piles.calculate excavation quantity.b) tell concrete qty. also.