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MEIL Interview Questions
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What is the rating of your capacitor bank at your company.

36 79568

I want formula to calculate cable size as per load given in kw & amp.I searched many sites but didn't right answer.Plz reply me asap.

41 414888

What is switching over voltage?

1 5719

What is the exact meaning for under & over reinforced beams & when they have to used..

11 62039

If any HVDC line is going with positive & negative(the negative usually have return path of current with earthing electrode). Now the question is if this HVDC earthed electrode which is using as return path and earthed any nearby 400kv or 220kv AC substation equipments. which will be the impact of this on AC substation & its equipment, how severe may be this and what should be the minimum distance require between HVDC earthed electrode and AC substation equipments? It's really an high engineering level question...Dare to answer and increase your knowledge.


what is meant by fuzzy logic? what is fuzzification and defuzzification?

5 24790

how to find the ballast lost from the actual wattage? for example i am going to buy decorative type 2x36watts fluorescent light fitting for this lamp how to find the ballast lost? is there any formula?

2 4967

how rated the neutral voltage of transformer and reactor, e.g. 400/220, 200MVA transformer have neutral voltage of 33kv. and reactor voltage 145kv. how this rating decided?

1 3892

How neutral voltage for transformer decided? eg 33kv neutral voltage for 200MVA transformer?

1 4245

2. What are the grades of steel used in the concrete design?

6 16768

What is the Temperature Co-officient of Resistance of PT- 1000 and PT-2000 ?

2 8482

For a 500 MVA 400/220/33KV transformer following data given HV power = 500 MVA IV power = 500 MVA LV power = 5 MVA If input power is 500 MVA then how output power is (500+5)MVA. Can anyone help

1 6124

How to calculate cement, aggregates for any one grade of concrete for icum?

1 5875

how much steel in one sq m slab?

6 12251

how can change 10mm dia @275 c/c bar spacing to 12 mm

4 14702

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Can we override static method?


Does nike use magento?


What do you understand by 'access specifiers' in C#?


What are children prop?


What are the disadvantages of windows?


What is effort variance?


Define E- Commerce?


What is stateless and stateful in java?


What kind of testing to be done in client server application and web application? Explain


What do U like in Bangalore ?


Tell me how is knn different from k-means clustering?


What is a modular application?


what is update statistics in sybase?


Explain the difference between logical & physical address.


Why 30kw 40 hp 4 pole 3ph induction motor over heated?any steps on reduction in heat?