what is the differance between ac induction motor and ac
synchronous motor?
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1)induction motor is singly fed motor.Means three phase
supply is given to its stator only.But in case of
synchronous motor which is doubly fed motor 3phase acis
given to stator and dc is given to rotor.
2)generally induction motor is used in all types of
industries where maintainance less and rugged type motor is
needed.where as syschronous motor is used in applications
which demands constant speed.
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Answer / safeerudeen
Induction motor is the cheapest of all motors,which runs at
a speed less than synchronous speed.Induction motor works on
the principle of Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction
synchronous motor which runs at synchronous speed, which is
costlier than induction motor,synchronous motor is not self
starting but induction motor is self sarting
Is This Answer Correct ? | 13 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / vincent omwikha
An induction motor is self starting while synhronous motor
is not, induction motor consumes lagging power while
synhronous motor can either consume lagging or leading
power,induction motor is simple in costruction, cheap in
maintanance and runs below the synhronous speed unlike the
synhronous motor which runs at the synhronous speed, is
complicated in construction and costly in maintanance &
initial intallation.
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Answer / asim raza
in induction motor the speed of the rotor is less then
stater induction motor self started
in synchrons motor rotor and stater speed same this motor is
not self started
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / uday
in ac induction motor slip < 1 means the rotor speed is
less than the rotating magnetic field,in ac synchronous
motor slip=1 means the rotor speed and the rotating
magnetic field are of same speed.
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