what is the use of static frequency converter and static
excitation equipment? and where it is employed? for what?
Why single phase induction motors are not self starting ?
Dear All please ive me ur ideas... What is the major diff between cu conductors and Al conductors ?
Why computer humming sound occurred in ht transmission line?
Whay you want to change your job.
what is meant by distance protection ? how distance protection relay function ?
What is the difference between INVERTER and UPS?
what is high voltage in india?
what is the value will come when megger the phase to phase ,phase to neutral ,phasae to ground ?
what is the necessary of using inductance property in transmission lines even through resistance is used to opposes the high current flows in that?????
How to select the different contactors ( starter combination) for different AC motors? what about fuse cappacity 4 different motors too?
At what factor resistance r of a conductor depends?
when is safety goggles use mandatory?