What is exact meaning of Standalone application?
what are the add-ins needed to test .net and c# projects?
Test Track Pro. Defect report formate? what r the attibutes?
1.For a single module how many builds are possible 2.what will be the max or min time to finish up an single module
Define the bug life cycle?
can we do iterative testing in v-model?
In which way tester get Build A, BUild B, ....Build Z of an application, just explain the process..
What is Functional point and what is the use?
pls explain company testing process in detail (if anybody working as a test engeneer)
How can software qa processes be implemented without stifling productivity?
From what phase of project, testing will starts, what tester will do at starting stage?
Hi, Please give me brief explination about agile methodology.
What type testings will be conducted at system testing?Who will conduct each test.