In which way tester get Build A, BUild B, ....Build Z of an
application, just explain the process..

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In which way tester get Build A, BUild B, ....Build Z of an application, just explain the process...

Answer / rima

Tester gets the initial build from the Dev.Manager...he
tests the same n logg the team fix the bugs n
sends the new build with newly added functionalities..

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In which way tester get Build A, BUild B, ....Build Z of an application, just explain the process...

Answer / roopesh

In case of web server projects, you will be provided with
an URL or a 192.168.***.*** (Web address) which will help
you access the project using a browser from your system.

In case of Client server, the build is placed in the VSS
(Configuration tool) which will help you get the .exe
downloaded to your computer.

Please mail me if I am wrong.

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In which way tester get Build A, BUild B, ....Build Z of an application, just explain the process...

Answer / bishwajit.rk

Modules or a unit are coded by Developer and once its
finished coding, these modules or units are delivered to
the Configuration Management Team (CMT). This team is the
dedicated team who works only on configurations of the
project. They are sometime called as SDE - System
Development Engineer. They collect all these modules or
units and run the CM application to construct the built (I
don't how they run this thing). Once the built is
constructed, SDE guys informed the Project Manager that the
built is ready for Testing. In turn, the PM informs the
Tester that the built is ready and gives the path of the
location of the built and to start the testing.
This process follows for all the builds as the project

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In which way tester get Build A, BUild B, ....Build Z of an application, just explain the process...

Answer / achu

I dont know the exact answer.
But I think as per the question,
If a tester gets this much of builds,
It is an Iterative software model used in the company and
for every iteration they are releasing a build to client
and that should be tested by the tester.

Please correct me If Iam wrong.

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In which way tester get Build A, BUild B, ....Build Z of an application, just explain the process...

Answer / sirisha

After preparation of testcases project manager will release
software release note in that Document there will be URL
path of the website link from from that we will receive
the build

correct me i am wrong

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