Explain the Pros and Cons of testing the software by
Developement team and by testing team?
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Answer / mudaseer
if testing is done by development team they may fail to catch bugs because 1)they dont have time to test the software 2)they test in the same way as they have developed so they are not able to catch bugs
if testing is done by test engineer
1) they have to time to catch bugs so they are successful in catching bugs
2) they test in different ways so they are able to find more bugs
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Answer / rajendra prasad
Test case effectiveness
Test coverage
Number of defects
Defect severity
Time to find a defect
No of passed testcase
No of Fauiled testcases
Test Cases Executed
Test Cases Unexecuted (Blocked)
Test Cases Re-executed
Number of testers invloved in testing(Man hours)
Rajendra Prasad
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 10 No |
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