please send aptitude 10 year question paper of wipro &tcs
what is basepoint
0 Answers 247Customer, Monsanto,
• What is depreciation and the method?
what is the difference betwen p & l a\c and income & expenditure statement
how to make a best portflio and its compartive each other and why chosen the different different portfoili. explain with examples?
I would want to know detailed information on derivatives Could please help me
hi i m tarun from gr.noida i m p.g.d.m.(finance)i want know what is the work as a finace and what is the differernt between c.a&m.b.a.(finance)my id hai. (
What is the Bank Ombudsman Scheme?
0 Answers Nabard, RBI, State Bank Of India SBI,
strategic alliance
What are the details required to be included in the advertisements?
What is 'rbinet'?
What are rbi monetary policy objectives?
What might cause recession?