why no bond in chemistry is 100% ionic?

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why no bond in chemistry is 100% ionic?..

Answer / morad el-hendawy/egypt

Bond character can be assessed by electronegativity
difference. A 100% covalent bond will have a 0
electronegativity difference. This can be achieved with the
correct combination of atoms such as Si with
Ge or if 2 of the same atom bond together like H2. A 100%
ionic bond would be when one atom
completely takes the bonding electrons of another atom.
But, for this to occur one of the atoms would
have to have 0 ability to pull a bonded electron to itself.
This atom would have 0 electronegativity. No
atom has 0 electronegativity so a 100% ionic bond cannot

Is This Answer Correct ?    177 Yes 36 No

why no bond in chemistry is 100% ionic?..

Answer / imran haider

As electronegativity difference is the index of ionic
character.If the electronegativity difference is greater
than 1.7,then the bond is ionic in charcter.The largest
electronegative element is the Fluorine (4.0) and the lowest
electronegative element is Cesium (0.7),their E.N difference
is 3.3,they are just 92% ionic.For 100% ionic character,the
E.N difference should be 3.7,so no bond in Chemistry is 100%
ionic in charcter.

Is This Answer Correct ?    73 Yes 18 No

why no bond in chemistry is 100% ionic?..

Answer / malik muhammad imtiaz sharif r

Electronegativity difference is the index of ionic
character. More the differance more the ionic character and
vice versa. it mean bond will be 100% ionic when
Electronegativity difference is maximun (one atom have
Electronegativity 4 and other have 0) the bond will be
purely ionic. no atom is the univers have Electronegativity
0 till now.
so no bond in chemistry may 100% ionic.

Is This Answer Correct ?    43 Yes 18 No

why no bond in chemistry is 100% ionic?..

Answer / iqrar ijaz

No bond is 100 % ionic ib nature due to following reason
1) Covelent character is generated along with the ionic character in an ionic bond.
2) The electron of anion attrected by the catain which makes anion polar.
3) Both nuclei of catain and anion repuls each other and as a result covelent character is induced in a ionic bond.

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why no bond in chemistry is 100% ionic?..

Answer / ch azeem

electronegativity difference is the index ofionic chracter.More the differance more the ionic chracter and vice versa.it mean bond will be 100 % ionic when Electronegativity difference is maximum the bond will be purely ionic.no atom is the univers have Electronegativity 0 till now. so no bond in chemistry may 100% ionic

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why no bond in chemistry is 100% ionic?..

Answer / saim

its so simple friends
ionic character depend upon eletronegativity. if two elements form molecule and one has zero electronegatvity then compound will be 100 % ionic character.
you should know that no atom in this universe has zero electronegativity.
least electronegativity in periodic table is Cs = 0.7 and highest is F =4.0 and bond will be 92 % ionic in CsF

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why no bond in chemistry is 100% ionic?..

Answer / zeeshan amjad

if the electronegativity is greater than 1.7 then the bond is ionic ,for 100% ionic character one of the two bonded atoms should have zero(0) electronegativity. As no atom in chemistry has zero electronegativity that is why there is no bond said to be 100% ionic.

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why no bond in chemistry is 100% ionic?..

Answer / muhammad zohaib

Bond character can be assessed by electronegativity
difference. A 100% covalent bond will have a 0
electronegativity difference. This can be achieved with the
correct combination of atoms such as Si with
Ge or if 2 of the same atom bond together like H2. A 100%
ionic bond would be when one atom
completely takes the bonding electrons of another atom.
But, for this to occur one of the atoms would
have to have 0 ability to pull a bonded electron to itself.
This atom would have 0 electronegativity. No
atom has 0 electronegativity so a 100% ionic bond cannot

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 3 No

why no bond in chemistry is 100% ionic?..

Answer / malik xufyan

its so simple dude :)
ionic character depend upon eletronegativity. if two elements form molecule and one has zero electronegatvity then compound will be 100 % ionic character.
you should know that no atom in this universe has zero electronegativity.
least electronegativity in periodic table is Cs = 0.7 and highest is F =4.0 and bond will be 92 % ionic in CsF
Malik Xufyan

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why no bond in chemistry is 100% ionic?..

Answer / hamza toor

The maximum diffrence of electronegative between two bonded atoms is 3.2¡.e for CsF According to pauling formula the%age of ionic charachter comes out to be 92% coordinate covalent bond character and 75% covalent bond character.

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