who is minister of railoway
what are the advantage and disadvantages of evaporation?
How the value of Absorbance and molar extinction coefficient are caluculated?
name any insolvent compound?
How can be set a responds factor for evaluating a unknown impurity by HPLC
what kind of question can be asked in interview for UV- VISIBLE & give me answer ?
In Bulkdensity What is the difference between USP-I and USP- II
Find out how to make artifacts the maxwell boltzmann theory of gases . ps. I don't speak English that well
How do you measure order of reaction?
What happens to the solubility of group II Sulphates as you go down the group?
what is an Amphipathic protein?
What can be the supporter of combustion except oxygen.
why we are carrying standardization of karl fisher auto titrator with water and disodium tartarate.