wat is the difference between full clinet report and thin
client report?wat is the difference between desktop
intelligence and web intelligence?

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wat is the difference between full clinet report and thin client report?wat is the difference betw..

Answer / shikha

Full Client reports are created using BO reporter which use
BO two tier architechture however Thin Client reports are
webi reports which are created using webintelligence and
use BO 3 tier architechture to process.

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wat is the difference between full clinet report and thin client report?wat is the difference betw..

Answer / vidhya

Full Client Report: BO reports
Reason: They support HTML architecture so they are called
full client means web support.
Thin Client Report: Crystal Reports
Reason: They support DHTML architecture which means they
dont support web though they are featured for such type.

Desktop Intelligence: They are good in performance,but
cannot be posted in website though can be made available in
corporate intranet site through Infoview.

Web Intelligence: Performance of report will be
slow,difficult to edit and to upload the reports. Major
advantage they can be posted in websites.

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wat is the difference between full clinet report and thin client report?wat is the difference betw..

Answer / kuldip

Desktop Intelligence - Full client reporting tool.
Web Intelligence - Thin client reporting tool.

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