what are the types of universes?
what is the difference between metri universe and simple
universe? in what context we use metric universe?

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what are the types of universes? what is the difference between metri universe and simple univers..

Answer / sridivya_2

We have 2 types of universe.
OLAP Universe -Universe built on Bex queries
OLTP Universe - Universe built on RDBMS
We can also create linked universe using OLTP universes.
Personal, Shared and secured are the universe connection types.

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what are the types of universes? what is the difference between metri universe and simple univers..

Answer / sreedhar

simple universe contains the joins for all classes in the
universes. metric universe have isolated classes in the

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what are the types of universes? what is the difference between metri universe and simple univers..

Answer / zeenat

There is only one universe in terminology of BO, but there
may be many situations based on the usage, where we can
classify the universes as-

1. Depending on type of data universe objects mapping

a. Ad-hoc (personal data) – The Universe created for a
personal usage is called Ad-hoc Universe and these are not
shared with anybody else.
The reports created using these universes are called Ad-hoc
Reports and generally users have the rights to store the
reports in the Inbox. Ad-hoc reporting is a user friendly
feature designed for all levels of users. Custom reports
are created using queries.
b. Non Ad-hoc (corporate data) – The universe created
for a corporate usage is known as Non ad-hoc Universe these
are sharable Universes and reports created from these can
be viewed by all the users.

2. In linking universes scenario
a. Core universe (Kernel or Master universe) – The
Universe created and used with another universes for the
reusability of the components.
b. Derived universe – The Universe created using Core
universe and there own required components.

3. Depending on universe parameters.
a. Secured universe.
b. Personal universe.
c. Shared universe.

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what are the types of universes? what is the difference between metri universe and simple univers..

Answer / narsi

universes are 3 types : 1)simple universe
2)complex universe 3)dervied universe

In metric universe aggregate summary is disable. so metric
universe is not used
in simple uni while the aggregate summary is enable. and
also it generates the summary.

at 3rd question i dont know.

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