1. what are the differences between prompt at universe level
and prompt at report level ?
2. what are the connection types in BOXI ?
3. how do we give the security in universe level ? and
report level ? and objects level ?
4. what will happen if we check the 'MULTIPLE SQL STATEMENTS
FOR EACH MEASURE' option in Universe SQL parameters ?

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1. what are the differences between prompt at universe level and prompt at report level ? 2. what ..

Answer / shamanth

1. what are the differences between prompt at universe level
and prompt at report level ?
A)Prompts at UNV level are called Predefined Prompts which
can be used across all the reports where ever required.
Report prompt will work on in that report,hence local to
that report.
2. what are the connection types in BOXI ?
A)personal .LSI
Shared .SSI
Secured BOmain.key
3. how do we give the security in universe level ? and
report level ? and objects level ?
A)UNV -> Tools -> Manage Security
Report level & Object level security will be given by Admins
4. what will happen if we check the 'MULTIPLE SQL STATEMENTS
FOR EACH MEASURE' option in Universe SQL parameters
A)We will check this option for Chasm and Fan traps,this
option will generate multiple SQL stmts for each measure
included in a Query........let me know if any modifications
for above ans..

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1. what are the differences between prompt at universe level and prompt at report level ? 2. what ..

Answer / bhaskar

Need more information about following
secured.KEY FILES

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