what is a cursor
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Answer / ganesh
cursor is a small work area like memory which are given by
oracle to execute sql statement, after execution this space
are made free for another sql staments to execute.
when we use the cursor with cursor name for a tble,then
that cursor will bring those from database one by one and
will keep in cursor memory for execution.
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Answer / s.syam sundar
oracle uses a private area to process and store data.this
private area is called as cursor
we have two types of cursors
they are implict and explict
implict cursor:- it is a cursor which controlled by oracle
Ex: select statmets,insert,update and delete statmets
explict cursors:- it is a cursor which controlled by
controlling means
open cursor
fetch into
close cursor
Ex: create cursor c1(cursor name) as select * from emp
where deptno =10;( this is in declarative section)
in excutable section:
open cursor c1;
fetch cursor c1 into some veriable or table name;
close c1
we can use parameters in cursors
and we can not assiagn cursor name to a variable
and we need not use cursor statemets in for update cursor
because it will take care of
S.syam sundar
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / t.r.sekhar
cursor is a temporary buffer used to hold the transactional
data for the manipulation purpose.
data will not permanently stored in database.
it is not reusable.
cursor <cursor name> is <select stmt);
we have two types of cursors are there.
1.implicit cursors-automatically created whenever dml
statements are executed.
2.explicit cursors-created by user
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Answer / suriya
Cursor is a mechanism by which we can name a 'select
stataments' and manipulate the information within that.
They are very useful, when we need to run a particular SQL
Cursors are of 2 types, Implicit and Explicit.
Implicit Cursors: All the select statements we run are
implicitly stored in a cursor, by default. They are defined
by oracle.
Explicit Cursors: This is like user defined cursor. The
user can declare and use a cursor of his own requirement.
The operations performed with a cursor are declaring,
opening,fetching and closing.
Note:Leaving a cursor unclosed, will cause error.
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Answer / kishor
Cursor is a pointer to the context area where data is
stored and fetched row by row.
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Answer / gourvendra singh
A Cursor is a handle (a name or pointer) for the memory
associated with a specific statement. It is of two type
Implicit and explicit, we usually create explicit cursor
for our sql statements, we can also save them by providing
them a name.
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cursor acts as datatype for holding composite
variable.composite variable hold more than one value at a
when ever u declare a cursor it tells to sqlserver that
memory is create for that cursor
whenever u open the cursor it executes select statement in
declare section and reserves memory stored the result of
execution in this memory.and reserves pointer to the before
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / s.syam sundar
oracle uses a private area to process and store data.this
private area is called as cursor
we have two types of cursors
they are implict and explict
implict cursor:- it is a cursor which controlled by oracle
Ex: select statmets,insert,update and delete statmets
explict cursors:- it is a cursor which controlled by
controlling means
open cursor
fetch into
close cursor
Ex: cursor c1(cursor name) is select * from emp
where deptno =10;( this is in declarative section)
in excutable section:
open cursor c1;
fetch cursor c1 into some veriable or table name;
close c1
we can use parameters in cursors
and we can not assiagn cursor name to a variable
and we need not use cursor statemets in for update cursor
because it will take care of
S.syam sundar
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
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