What is the difference between the sql*loader and import utilities? : aql loader
how to add a new column to an existing table in mysql? : Sql dba
Why is a trigger used?
how do you restrict number of rows for a particular value in a column.For example:there is a table called fruits,having apples,bananas ,papayas.I dont want to have more than 100 apples in that table ,so how can u restrict number of rows for apple to hundred?
what is auto increment? : Sql dba
Is sql easier than java?
Define implicit and explicit cursors.
What does := mean in pl sql?
If records are inserted into table without committing.How to refer to these values in a procedure?
what is a table called, if it has neither cluster nor non-cluster index? What is it used for? : Sql dba
How can we schedule the procedure to run automatically ?
How long does it take to learn pl sql?
Does pl/sql support create command?