What is before and after trigger?
What packages are available to pl/sql developers?
What is trigger price?
Write a query to display the current date in sql?
type type_name is table of varchar2(30) index by binary_integer for the above type you have to create a identifier... like identifier_name type_name; for the above type you can use the below methods..like first , last , prior, next , delege..etc...like this.. if you create a cursor...like cursor cursor_name is select * from scott.emp; is there any methods like above to use prior, fist , last , next , trim ,etc...
what is the command line end user interface - mysql? : Sql dba
How do you pronounce sql?
What is bind reference and how can it be created?
Is it mandatory for the primary key to be given a value when a new record is inserted?
write a query to remove null following table are id name 101 dinesh null jyothi null bharathi 102 suresh null shilpha 103 prakesh null suma i want the output format like id name 101 dinesh 102 suresh 103 prakesh
What type of database is sql?
What is cte?
I m giving Source, Destination and Age. Write a procedure or function, it will give to u this source to destination tickets are available or not, if available then check this person is senior citizen or not,if this person is senior citizen then give some discount. PLZ give this answer...... Thanks advance.....