Does view contain data?
What are sql*plus environment variables?
Mention what does plvtab enables you to do when you showthe contents of pl/sql tables?
How many disk partitions should I have?
What is pl sql collection?
What are database links used for?
What does trigger mean in slang?
4. Select sum(A.salary) +sum(B.salary) as TOT_SAL from ( select LEVEL emp_id,level*100 salary,case when mod (level,2)=0then 2 else null end dept_id from dual connect by level<6 )A right outer join (select level emp_id ,level*200 salary ,case when mod (level,3)=0 then 2 else null end dept_id from dual connect by level<6)B On A.dept_id=B.dept_id And A.emp_id=B.emp-id;
What are the types of variables use in pl sql?
what is offset-fetch filter in tsql? : Transact sql
what is the forward decleration in packages?
Explian rowid, rownum?
Which sql statement is used to delete data from a database?