What is a primary key? Explain
what is pragma ?
What is scalar and vector?
how to achieve this problem?i am having table with two colums like empno,gender. in gender column, i am having records male,female like that .my final output will be male female 5 6
What is the difference between having and a where in sql?
what are the tunnig tables you used for tuning a query and tell me some of coloumns in that tuning tables?
What is prepared statement in sql?
If we have n no of columns in a table, can we add new column in that table with not null constraint?
Can we use two order by clause in query?
Explain two virtual tables available at the time of database trigger execution.
how to include character strings in sql statements? : Sql dba
what is the functionality of the function htmlentities? : Sql dba
What is difference between % ROWTYPE and TYPE RECORD ?