What is a diff between joiner and lookup transformation

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What is a diff between joiner and lookup transformation..

Answer / prasanna

Joiner is active transformation in informatica to merge
nonsimilar structures into target warehouse systems.
Joiner needs a condiotion for data merging based on
following types
1.Normal join
2.Maste outer join
3.Detail outer join
4.Full outer join
Lookup is a passive transormation in informatica.this
transformation is used for data verfications of the source
table in assign lookup table
Lookup needs a condition if the condition is satisfied
returns corresponding data else returns null value.

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What is a diff between joiner and lookup transformation..

Answer / shiva shankar naidu n

1.Join supports all types of joins, but lookup supports only
two types of joins supports like inner and left outer only..
2.join not provided rejected link, but lookup provided it.
3.join is high sorting speed but not lookup.
4.join takes huge amount of data from two tables, but look
up not supported to data than source table.
5.In lookup Reference data always less than source data
other wise its not suppoted.
6.lookup always based on condition, but not join stage.
7.join common column must be same, in look up no need common
column name.

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What is a diff between joiner and lookup transformation..

Answer / kittu

hi every one

i read all the answers i agree with you but one more thing is there in joiner. once u specify d joiner it will extract all the data from source and check the based on condition then it returns values.

in look up it wont take any values but it refers based on condition.It means look up check the values present r not.
here main thing is memory if cache size is increase it decrease the informatica performance.same thing will happen in joiner trans so mostly we r not using joiner but some times based on source data we use.

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What is a diff between joiner and lookup transformation..

Answer / krishna

I) Joiner is active transformation & lookup is passive
2)joiner having input port,output port, master port where as in lookup having input port, output port,lookup port,return port.
3) joiner having sorted inputs option where as lookup doesent have this option

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What is a diff between joiner and lookup transformation..

Answer / shiva

Joiner transformation:

it has its own cache.

look up transformation:

it maintains its own cache

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What is a diff between joiner and lookup transformation..

Answer / guest

If you are not a performance geek, somewhat basic things
you can do with both joiner and lookup t/f. However Joiner
operates on sources where as lookup operates source as well
as target. there are other things can also be identified as
limitation of working with heterogenious sources in both
the case.(can lookup work on xml file?)

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