In 8085 microprocessor READY signal does.which of the
following is incorrect statements

[a]It is input to the microprocessor
[b] It sequences the instructions

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In 8085 microprocessor READY signal does.which of the following is incorrect statements [a]It is..

Answer / guest


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In 8085 microprocessor READY signal does.which of the following is incorrect statements [a]It is..

Answer / tarun aggarwal

Some μPs provide a special control input called READY to
allow the memory to set its own memory cycle time. If after
sending an address out, the μP dies not
receive a READY input from memory, it enters a wait state
for as long as the READY line is in 0 state.When the memory
access is completed the READY goes high to indicate that the
memory is ready for specified transfer

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