Embedded Systems AllOther Interview Questions
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In 8085 microprocessor READY signal does.which of the following is incorrect statements [a]It is input to the microprocessor [b] It sequences the instructions


4 10724

Design a circuit for A + abs(B) = C, where A and B are 4 bits wide and 2?s complement representation


1 8291

Design a circuit to detect when 3 and only 3 bits are set out of 8 bits.(eg. o0101100)

Qualcomm, RIM,

13 25323

What is Difference between CAN and GMLAN

GM General Motors,

2 18698

whether the mulitasking and multiprocessing are same or not.

10 11437

Is tasklets or workqueues or softirqs are scheduled by the scheduler?

2 11044

wat are the different rtos available? wat is the difference beetween RTOS ans OS

LG Soft,

8 17168

What is mutex precisely used for?

2 7290

hi i want to learn embedded system course. can anyone tel me which training center is best in chennai to learn embedded system? plz help me

1 4598

what is plc system

3 6449

IS 8085 an embedded system?

4 14537

what is the command/instruction in ARM that does not do anything or does not execute any instruction ? (except NOP instruction)



what is difference between micro processor & micro controller ?


8 12511

what is Page Fault or Page thrashing ?


3 13023

Can we use semaphore or mutex or spin lock in interrupt context in linux kernel ?


3 19556

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Un-Answered Questions { Embedded Systems AllOther }

Tell me what is a watchdog timer?


Name three primary attributes of object-oriented design. Describe what they mean and why they're important.


You have just been put in charge of a legacy code project with maintainability problems. What kind of things would you look to improve to get the project on a stable footing?


Explain the concept of separation of concerns and it's pros and cons.


What is the difference between a web server, web farm and web garden? How would your web application need to change for each?


Whether we can use semaphore or mutex or spinlock in interrupt context in linux kernel?


Why is it better to use multi-threading polling then single threading model?


Tell me how does the interrupts handle by using the threads?


Tell me which parameters decide the size of data type for a processor?


What is so great about ?


What is null pointer and what is its use?


Mention what are buses used for communication in embedded system?


What are the most common errors you've found in embedded systems and how have you resolved them?


What is an embedded system?


What is the scope of a function that is declared as static?