plz tell how to test this: We have to change the password
of password field the condition is:The password will expiry
after 30 days and that should not allow last 12 similar
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Answer / devaraja.h
To check the Password on diffarent dates you need to change
the appropridate system date ,here are some follwing Testcasess
Objective is login Expire
DESC Expected O/P
-------- -----------
1)Check the password on any day with in 30--> should login
2)Check the password on 30 th day--->should login
3)Check the password on 31 th day--->Should not login
4)Update the Password after 20 th day then
check after 20 days--> should login
5)Update the Password after 50 days(Expire) then check the
password after 20 days--> Should login
6)Update the Pasword of another user after 20 days then try
to login after 31 days--> Should not login
Objective is should not allow last 12
DESC Expected O/P
-------- -----------
1)Check by updating as previous Password--> should not allow
2)Check by updating same Password-->should not allow
3)Check by updating as 12 th password--> should not allow
4)Check by updating as 13 th password-->should allow
5)Check by updating as new Password-->should allow
6)Check by Updating some other user previous
passowd-->should allow
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / himu
First Enter 12 passwords then change the system date and
give the date such that the difference is about 30 days
then try to enter the password that you have given
previously ( between all the 12 ) if it accepts then its a
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 2 No |
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