Write out a function that prints out all the permutations of a string. For example, abc would give you abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba. You can assume that all the characters will be unique.
5 21478Can any one tell me how to write test data. i mean, to test each input, 2 test input(1 for +ve, & other for -ve) are given. so , for example, if i want to write test data for login form, how many test data should i write in test case?
1918Post New Nike Interview Questions
Explain how to call a function in objective-c?
What is data integrity and what are the methods available to reduce threats to it?
Is httpsession thread safe?
You are designing a user control. You created new property called backgroundimage which is of type image. You wanted to disable storing this property in the user’s form. How to achieve this?
What is huffman’s algorithm?
What is endl?
What protocol does jdbc use?
What do you mean by metadata and why we are using it?
the time period of three pendulums are given in a sequence as a= 1.27s b=0.85s c=0.99s the given sequence may not be correct arrange the time period in a correct sequence
Does Kotlin allow macros?
what is the meaning, the advantages and which are the types of evaluate statement?
What is shrink log file?
What is the use of set control field in record field properties?
Why session management is required?
Pass the journal entry: rent outstanding