Write out a function that prints out all the permutations of a string. For example, abc would give you abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba. You can assume that all the characters will be unique.
5 21430Can any one tell me how to write test data. i mean, to test each input, 2 test input(1 for +ve, & other for -ve) are given. so , for example, if i want to write test data for login form, how many test data should i write in test case?
1911Post New Nike Interview Questions
Explain the sequences of event block?
Explain how to create any functions? How to go about it?
What are the two types of access that you can provide when you are creating users?
Genetic engineering harms or benefits human societyharms? What obstacles must gene therapy overcome? What instrumentation is required for DNA sequence analysis and how does it work?
what is static identifier in c language?
How to get help for apache web server if one thing fallacious?
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What are the two types of data?
write a program to develop a graphic user interface application of marks book with students names and their names.the program should show the following options main menu,add student details,display student details,maximum mark and minimum mark.
What is the general net worth percentage banks will observe while sanctioning the Loans for Tranding, Construction and Manufacturing units.
Explain how does caffeine effect plant growth?
Set a=description.Create a("name").value="Google" Set b=description.Create b("Title").value="Google" Set c=description.Create c("micclass").value=" webedit" 'c("name").value="q" 'c("type").value="text" 'Set d=description.Create 'd("name").value="q" Set e=description.Create e("micclass").value="webbutton" e("name").value="Google Search" Set h=description.Create h("name").value="qtp - Google Search" Set desc=description.Create desc("micclass").value="webelement" desc("type")="qtp" Set l=description.Create l("title").value="qtp - Google Search" 'invokeapplication"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE","http://www.google.co.in/" invokeapplication"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" Browser(a).Page(b).WebEdit(c).set"qtp" Browser(a).Page(b).WebButton(e).click set z=Browser(h).Page(l).childobjects(desc) i=z.count print i 'For j=0 to i -1 ' m=z(j).getroproperty("text") ' msgbox m ' print m ' 'Next hi guys this is anil. i am beginner in advance qtp. i am trying to write script for searching web element (QTP)in google. i have posted a script plz check it. send me solution how to write scripting for search and counted no qtp word in google search . plz tell me the solution ASAP
How to map Idocs in app
What is antiforgerytoken used for?