Can u explain about QTP framework
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Answer / navin
I have seen an umpteen no of posts in every QTP group I
visited asking about Test Automation frameworks. Here I
would like to collate the useful inputs i received from
various QTP groups and discussion forums.
1) Key Word Driven Testing:
The Keyword Driven framework consists of the basic
components given below
1. Control File
2. Test Case File
3. Startup Script
4. Driver Script
5. Utility Script
1. Control File a)Consists details of all the Test
scenarios to be automated b)User will be able to select a
specific scenario to execute based on turning on or off a
flag in the Control File c) Control File is in the form of
an excel worksheet and contains columns for Scenario
ID,Execute (Y/N),Object Repository Path, Test Case File Path
2. Test Case File a)Contains the detailed steps to be
carried out for the execution of a test case b) It is also
in the form of an excel sheet and contains columns for
Keyword, Object Name, Parameter
3. Startup Script a) The Starup script is utilised for the
initialization and reads the control files b) It then calls
the driver script to execute all the scenarios marked for
execution in the control file
4. Driver Script a) It Reads the Test Case files. Checks
the keywords and calls the appropriate utility script
functions based on specific keyword b) Error Handling is
taken care of in the driver script.
5. Utility Scripts a) Perform generic tasks that can be
used across applications. It should not be application
dependent Advantage of Framework.
•The main advantage of this framework is the low cost for
maintenace. If there is change to any test case then only
the Test Case File needs to be updated and the Driver
Script and Startup script will remain the same.
•No need to update the scripts in case of changes to the
Keyword-driven testing is a Software testing technique that
separates much of the programming work from the actual test
steps so that the test steps can be developed earlier and
can often be maintained with only minor updates, even when
the application or testing needs change significantly.
Read full article here
2) Data-driven Testing:
Data-driven testing is a framework where test input and
output values are read from data files (datapools, ODBC
sources, csv files, Excel files, DAO objects, ADO objects,
and such) and are loaded into variables in captured or
manually coded scripts. In this framework, variables are
used for both input values and output verification values.
Navigation through the program, reading of the data files,
and logging of test status and information are all coded in
the test script.
Read Full article here
3) Modularity-driven testing
The test script modularity framework requires the creation
of small, independent scripts that represent modules,
sections, and functions of the application-under-test.
These small scripts are then used in a hierarchical fashion
to construct larger tests, realizing a particular test case.
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Answer / krishna
1. Modularity-driven testing
2. Data-driven testing
3. Keyword-driven testing
4. Model-based testing
5. Hybrid testing
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / lalithareddy
automatin framework can be classified into 2 phases
1. analysis
2. implementation
in analysis phase
study the application or website
find out all the screens or windows
find out all the objects in the windows (standard or custom)
standard means they can be identfied by the tool where as
custom can't be, so try to configure custom to standard
if we can't avoid those non configurable objects
try to plan for the automation architecture
create software structure for automation
prepare tcd for the scenarios where in you go for automation
create the object repository
generate the script
prepare test data and enhance the script using that test
data(replacing the fixed values with parameters)
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Answer / rajesh
Thank u Lalitha Reddy for ur Answer..RAJESH
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Answer / rajesh
plzzz any body tell the correct answer iam facing this
question every where in the interviews...RAJESH
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Answer / sudhindra
can you give me a overview these four types of frameworks
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Answer / lalithareddy
Hi Everybody,
most of them that we have only 4 frameworks.
frameworks are mainly used for optimization (less effort
more output)
while implementing a framework, another framework may come
into existence.
up to my knowledge,
linear or sequential
functional decomposition multiaction framework
artificial intelligence framework (AIR)
advanced keyword
QC Framework
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / amit tewari
in qtp framework there are basically 4 phases.
1.prepare enviorment:- do preparation for automation mean
arrange hardware as well as software requirements.prepare
test cases and initial and end conditions.
2.record:-in this record the application and generate the
test scripts.then playback the record then using the object
3:-inhance or upgrade:-in this section use syncronization
and cheack points and then data driven testing.
4:-inthis see the behaviour of application when it passes
through muliple data
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 11 No |
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11 Answers AppLabs, BirlaSoft, Infosys,
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