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Citrix Interview Questions
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What is the difference between a copy constructor and an overloaded assignment operator?

4 23339

A number of 9 digits has the following properties: ? The number comprising the leftmost two digits is divisible by 2, that comprising the leftmost three digits is divisible by 3, the leftmost four by 4, the leftmost five by 5, and so on for the nine digits of the number i.e. the number formed from the first n digits is divisible by n, 2<=n<=9. ? Each digit in the number is different i.e. no digits are repeated. ? The digit 0 does not occur in the number i.e. it is comprised only of the digits 1-9 in some order. Find the number.

10 25090

what the SUBSTR(SQUARE ANS ALWAYS WORK HARD,14,6) will return ?

3 18332

what is penetration testing

2 7409

I want to do Certification course in QTP. For this I request you to suggest the best Tutorial in PDF format, as i'm not in a possition to afford any 'Fee' to join in any institutions. Hence, if possible, kinldy mail PDF file to my mail-ID: Regards, Chakradhar Yadav.

95 73663

There are 25 horses and only five tracks in a race. How do you find the second coming horse of all the 25 horses, provided there is no stop clock? (obviously, a horse cannot participate more than once in a race).

28 80982

Can we change the page layout in ASP.NET 2.0 as Grid Layout like in previous version

2 9114

How can one find a cycle in the linked list? IF found how to recognize the cycle and delete that cycle?

12 20518

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Explain about join() method?


Does soapui support ssl authentication


Why did my phone go into safe mode?


List the types of data files that can be loaded into QlikView?


What is the need to provide size option on create collection?


how do I pass a variable by reference?


How can we get data between two dates using query in laravel?


Which architecture does the sap system use?


What is the difference between constants and read-only variables?


What we should do to find out how people are reaching your site?


If there are two sub processes then how can we call at a time one sub process dynamically by using call process?


What is the bhe signal?


What is difference between single cycle plant and maintenance strategy plan?


How do shell structures work?


Why reactive power is needed in a power system? How is it being absorbed or delivered by alternators? For reactive power control we are changing excitation but reactive power absorbing or delivering related to stator. How these two are interlinked? i want a detailed explanation with necessary expressions and figures?