What r the functional testing u perform?
what is meant by spiral model?explain with picture?
what is WinRunner frame
Give an example of high severity and high priority bugs?
What scripting language should tester know when his organisation using Automation tool like wise any tool? wht kind of script should tester should be familiar?
what is non incremental integration testing?
What is the difference between bug,defect, error, failulre, fault & mistake?
explain v model detaily plese
What is Black Box testing and who is responsible for Black box testing?
How will you test language converter e.g. (English to Spanish) without Automation tool? OR What are the test cases or scenarios for language converter? Conditions: 1. without Automation tool, 2. You know only English language. 3. Make sure the tests should produce 80-90% pass result.
I am a B.COM graduate. I have studied all the theorotical aspects of manual testing. How can i get in to testing without practical exp. And even if i manage to get a job, i want to know whether i will be able to do my job, being i am new to software field.
What is difference between localization testing and internalization testing.Explain with an example
what is the template u used for informing clients regarding known issues when u near to release