What is difference between localization testing and
internalization testing.Explain with an example

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What is difference between localization testing and internalization testing.Explain with an exampl..

Answer / raghav

Localization Testing
Localization translates the product UI and occasionally
changes some initial settings to make it suitable for
another region. Localization testing checks the quality of
a product's localization for a particular target
culture/locale. This test is based on the results of
globalization testing, which verifies the functional
support for that particular culture/locale. Localization
testing can be executed only on the localized version of a
product. Localizability testing does not test for
localization quality. The test effort during localization
testing focuses on:

• Areas affected by localization, such as UI and
• Culture/locale-specific, language-specific, and
region-specific areas

In addition, localization testing should include:

• Basic functionality tests
• Setup and upgrade tests run in the localized
• Plan application and hardware compatibility tests
according to the product's target region

The localization testing of the user interface and
linguistics cover items such as:
• Validation of all application resources
• Verification of linguistic accuracy and resource
• Typographical errors
• Consistency checking of printed documentation,
online help, messages, interface resources, command-key
sequences, etc.
• Confirmation of adherence to system, input, and
display environment standards
• User interface usability
• Assessment of cultural appropriateness
• Checking for politically sensitive content

Internationalization is the process of designing and coding
a product so it can perform properly when it is modified
for use in different languages and locales.

Localization (also known as L10N) refers to the process, on
a properly internationalized base product, of translating
messages and documentation as well as modifying other
locale specific files.

Assuming that there is not a separate base product for the
locale, the localized files are installed at their proper
location in the base product. This product is then released
as a localized version of the product.

Localizing a properly internationalized product in most
cases should require no changes to the source code.

Internationalization Testing
These pages contain the methodologies you will find useful
for testing a product to ensure it has been properly and
fully internationalized.

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What is difference between localization testing and internalization testing.Explain with an exampl..

Answer / prem

Localization ("L10N"), refers to the process of translating
content and adapting products and applications to meet
language and locale-specific requirements.
Internationalization ("I18N"), refers to the process of
designing products, applications, and content so they can
be localized without requiring engineering changes.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 0 No

What is difference between localization testing and internalization testing.Explain with an exampl..

Answer / archana

Hi Swaroop
can u please be a brief..
i'm hearing this qution for the first time.
wht is localization tetsing and globalization testing?
globalization and internalization testing are same??
when we will do these tests??

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

What is difference between localization testing and internalization testing.Explain with an exampl..

Answer / amar

"Localization involves taking a product and making it linguistically and culturally appropriate
to the target locale (country/region and language) where it will be used and sold."
"Translation is the process of converting written text or spoken words to another language."
2.(When will start)
Traditional translation is typically and activity performed after the source document has been finalized.
On the other hand, software localization projects often run in parallel with the development of the source product.
Translation is only one of the activities in localization;a localization project includes many other tasks such as project management, software engineering, testing and desktop publishing.

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What is difference between localization testing and internalization testing.Explain with an exampl..

Answer / swaroop

Internationalization, or localization, testing involves
verifying that formats and structures that vary by locale
are followed.We can test for any localization
inconsistencies. We will follow the standards and formats
defined by the client, which often conform to a widely
recognized regional standard such as metric vs. standard,
date formats, number grouping/decimal formats, and time
zone/format differences. The goal of internationalization
testing is to confirm that the locale-specific formats and
standards are followed.

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