What are the benefits of pl/sql packages?
In testing where do we use sql language and how it helps in testing?
What are the syntax and use of the coalesce function?
What is the difference between SQL and PLSQL
What are the different types of a subquery?
What is INSTEAD OF trigger ?
What is procedure and function?
How does postgresql compare to "nosql"?
Use The Implicit cursor to Query The Department table information Where Deptno is 30.check,if no record was found then print "Record Was Not Found".Else Print Deptname And Ename.Dept table Have Dname Varchar2(20),Deptno Number,EnameVarchar2(20).Please Answer In 2 mins,with in Maximum 15 lines.
How to make a copy values from one column to another in sql?
What is substitution variable?
How to rename a column in the output of sql query?
what is a cursor